Made with Jigsaw
Andrew • 20th July, 2024 • 1 minute
PersonalWell, here it is
This is my first of several portfolio/blog sites I’ve created on and off over the years in my career that has graduated to a public audience. It had been fun using different languages and frameworks and was a great learning experience, but I was never completely satisfied in the end result with either of them. They were built on foundations that were either overkill, awkward to use/work with, or were not rich enough in features.
Jigsaw is great
Fast forward to 2024 I was glad to have stumbled across Jigsaw. Jigsaw was perfect for me as it checked a lot of my boxes. I can host this for free on Github Pages, it’s simple and easy to use and maintain, and also has rich features from the Laravel framework that I’m very familiar with.
This site started off using their blog starter template, but I have made some changes. I’ve “flatten” the overall design, add a light/dark mode toggle, added giscus, and other miscellaneous changes. Feel free to use the same template here;